Ba Blacktop Donates $10,000 To Reach

Ba Blacktop Donates $10,000 To Reach

Ba Blacktop Donates $10,000 To Reach

DELTA, BC (Nov.30, 2015) –   Kees van der Werff, President & CEO and Simon Daniels, VP Transportation & Infrastructure at BA Blacktop visited Reach Child and Youth Society on Monday to present a $10,000 cheque. Reach Foundation Chair Barbara Wallick commented, “we are delighted with this generous contribution to the Building Together for Children Campaign and so pleased to welcome BA Blacktop to Reach’s family of donors.”

BA Blacktop has a significant number of projects underway in the Delta area and were happy to have an opportunity to support a local charity. Simon Daniels explained: “in 2016, BA Blacktop Ltd. will celebrate our 60th Anniversary. We believe a company lasts this long because we work hard to be responsible and accountable, and to be a positive contributor to the community. Reach Child and Youth Society helps families with special needs to have a better life together. We see Reach as a Social Partner who clearly demonstrates our core values of helping others and building together.”

PHOTO L:R (Barbara Wallick, Tanya Corbet, Simon Daniels, Kees van der Werff, Renie D’Aquila, Joni Wright)
