Cedarbrook Respite House

What is Cedarbrook Respite House:
Cedarbrook is REACH’s staffed overnight respite home. Cedarbrook is focused on improving the quality of life for families and their children by providing temporary respite for the family in a space where children and youth can grow and learn.

Cedarbrook HandbookCedarbrook Handbook

Service Description:

Respite care gives families temporary relief from the challenges of caring for a child or youth with a developmental disability. Cedarbrook is a space for children and youth who need the extra care and support from 1:1 staff. Children and youth can stay overnight and for up to 14 days in a month for the period of 1 year. Respite at Cedarbrook gives the family a much needed break from caring for the complex needs of their child and gives the child or youth a chance to work on life skills, developmental and behaviour goals in a staffed setting.


Cedarbrook serves children and youth with a Child and Youth with Special Needs (CYSN) designation between the ages of birth and the end of the month of their 18th birthday. Referrals are gated and come from the family’s CYSN Social Worker.

Cedarbrook Respite House

Contact Cedarbrook Respite House

Contact us now!

N: Lorin Owen
E: [email protected]

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