Do you feel like your child’s misbehavior is affecting the quality of your family’s life?

Is your child becoming increasingly difficult & unpredictable?

Parenting is many things. It can be a source of our greatest joy and at the same time our greatest frustration. Throw in a challenging behaviour or any diagnosis into the mix and suddenly parenting can become overwhelming to say the least.

You love your child but sometimes they press you to your limits. Excessive screaming, kicking, not listening to you or following instructions, and even destroying your personal property during an explosive temper tantrum.  Do you feel like your living on a knife’s edge with your child’s misbehavior? 

On-going challenging behaviour can be a sign of a more serious issue. We understand how difficult this  can be so we’re here to help. 

Signs you should actively think about consulting with a behavior specialist.

At school you get complaints form the teachers about your child’s behaviour. They are not keeping up in class or not able to settle to do their assignments. They are on the verge of getting expelled. Your child’s behavior prevents them from making friends.

At home they have difficulty following routines. There are issues of aggression with siblings or other family members. They seem to have unpredictable behaviours or often react adversely or become self injurious.

We classify challenging behaviour as any behaviour that challenges you, the parent. It might look like:

  • Excessive crying, screaming
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Not listening or unable to follow routines
  • Refuses to take medication
  • Aggression with other children and/ or violent behavior such as kicking, biting, or hitting.
  • Foul language
  • Poor Social interaction & communication skills
  • Destroying personal property
  • Self-injury or talk about suicide

We’re here to help! REACH choices is a Positive Behaviour Support Program for children & thier parents.

We work with families that have children with all types of challenging behaviours and all diagnoses. We understand challenging behaviour and can help you unlock strategies to make parenting a joy again.

We know that in order to change a child’s behaviour you must start with a solid understanding of behaviour science (our role) and thorough knowledge of your individual child (your role). Together we can come up with a plan to change the challenging behaviour and improve the quality of life for your whole family. We also know that choosing a program that suits your family and your needs is key.

Reach Choices Handbook</a>
If you can say yes to these questions, then our program is right for you.
  • Do you want to learn new ways of interacting with your child and build effective skills so you can enjoy your life to it’s fullest?
  • Do you want to be able to work proactively to ward off future challenges and feel like you are always on tops of things and ahead of the game?
  • Can find an hour every week or so to meet and strategize?

Would you like assistance improving your child’s behavior?

Do you have an important question to ask a Behaviour specialist? Let’s talk.

If your discipline strategies aren’t working contact us for a comprehensive evaluation to assist your family. Every parent wants to help their child. More serious behavior problems require professional help.

Camille Netherton Camille Netherton (Coordinator)
E: [email protected]
P: 604.946.6622 ext 302

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A big challenge for parents facing challenging behavior is not knowing an effective way to respond. Minor behavior problems can often be addressed by making a few changes to your discipline strategies.

List Of Workshops Available:
  • Positive Behaviour Support: the Basics
  • Positive Parenting
  • Sexuality: what you need to know and what your child needs to learn
  • Sharing the Diagnosis
  • Demystification: teaching children about our strengths and challenges
  • Guiding Children’s Behaviour
  • Proactive Behavioural Strategies
  • Attachment and Relationships

What Our Clients Have To Say

PBS Parent

Our consultant brought excellent ideas, strategies to improve the quality of life which will impact not only our son but the whole family.

PBS parent

You have also showed us that our feelings of frustration are normal and that things will get better.

Family Stories
