Dayhu Group Donates To Reach
DELTA, BC (February 28, 2017) – Reach Child and Youth Development Society ED Renie D’Aquila and Fundraising Manager Kristin Bibbs met with Dayhu Group’s COO Paul Tilbury and owner Shirley Barnett at Boundary Bay Industrial Park to receive a $50,000 donation on behalf of Boundary Bay Holdings, Astra Concrete Pumping, BC Comfort Air Conditioning, , CAN TEC Electrical Services Ltd., Landrock Excavating, Ottens Landscaping and Winvan Paving. Boundary Bay Industrial Park will generate close to $1 billion of economic activity and provide 1000 jobs in Delta.
Already a strong existing supporter of Reach Society, Dayhu facilitated gathering donations from other Boundary Bay Industrial Park businesses. In recent years Dayhu Group has also supported Reach for the Stars fundraising galas for the last three years as a gold sponsor. “The work Reach does in the Delta community is immeasurable” explains Paul Tilbury, “and we are delighted to be able to support them as they move towards their new facility and a greater impact on the lives of so many children.”
“Dayhu Group’s commitment to helping vulnerable children in our community is both admirable and heart-warming”, said Reach ED Renie D’Aquila, “they have a long standing history with our organization and in making a difference for local families.”
“We’d also personally commend Astra Concrete Pumping, BC Comfort Air Conditioning, Boundary Bay Holdings, CAN TEC Electrical Services Ltd., Landrock Excavating, Ottens Landscaping and Winvan Paving for joining in our quest to support more children with special needs in the community,” added D’Aquila.