Envision Financial just keeps giving to registered local charities! Right now, their Simple Generosity campaign is live and a wonderful opportunity exists to make #CommentsOfKindness and tag us on this Envision Facebook post and Reach Child & Youth Society will automatically be awarded $25. If you have a chance to do so, we thank you and also Envision for making this possible!
As a result of Covid-19, REACH experienced a drastic increase in the costs associated with program and service delivery. We have been providing both virtual and in-person services depending on children’s support needs and families individual circumstances. For virtual autism therapies, we have required materials that accompany children’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) so that families can continue interventions in their home.
Tools for skill development include behaviour modelling, acquisition and sensory processing. Also, our staff have been using iPads to deliver remote services to observe sessions and coach families. Staff need one iPad and each family requires two: one for observation and one for the parents to use to teach the child. Many of our families are not able to access the technology needed to communicate virtually nor the resources to purchase any. For in-person services, we require a continuous supply of PPE to ensure the safety of our staff, children and families.
The 2021 Community Response Grant funds that REACH received were extremely impactful helping ensure that children with extra needs continue to receive the critical support they need to reach their potential during these exceptionally challenging times. We are so grateful for Envision Financial and First West Foundation’s incredible support of REACH during these unprecedented times.