Family Connections Centres 2023 Update

Family Connections Centres 2023 Update

BC’s Ministry of Family Development new service delivery model designed for chilldren and youth with some sort of support need (CYSN) has been paused. At the time of this annnouncement, the Premier promised continuation of individualized funding or CYSN with autism for all current and newly diagnosed children.

The Family Connections Centres (FCC) model was to offer “therapies, interventions, supports and services to CYSN and their families based on their unique needs, regardless of whether they have a diagnosis.” However, significant concerns have been raised about the effectiveness and impact of the new model.

The BC Representative for Children and Youth has revisited the FCC proposal examining the key components of effective, family-centered service delivery for CYSN; additional components required to address mental health needs for CYSN and effective service delivery to indigenous CYSN and their families.

The conclusion drawn was that an improved and inclusive CYSN delivery service will be best achieved through consultation and planning with Child Development Centres, Aboriginal Friendship Centres, other community-based agencies, Indigenous leaders and communities, families, ministry CYSN field staff and advocates.
