FINDS Children’s Exchange – Thrift Store In Ladner

FINDS Children’s Exchange is CLOSED but will open periodically for a pop-up store! Donations can be dropped off at REACH main door M-F between 9-4. Thanks!

About FINDS Children’s Exchange 

Thrift Store in Ladner

FINDS offers families the opportunity to drop off or pick up children’s clothing, books, toys and baby supplies! We offer a wide variety of gently used and well organized items to our community.  

FINDS Children’s Exchange is located in the Lois E. Jackson Kinsmen Centre for Children beside Ladner Pioneer Library and Memorial Park.

Operating Hours:Pop Up only TBA
Address: 5050 47 Ave, Ladner, BC V4K 2V8
Email: [email protected]

Thrift Store LadnerLadner Thrift Store

Finds Thrift Store Gallery

Donate To FINDS Children’s Exchange

FINDS accepts donations of gently used baby, children, and teens items in excellent condition as follows:

Donations accepted at:   Reach Society building entrance in bins marked FINDS Monday to Friday 9 am- 4 pm.

We Accept:

Children’s clothing
Toys, including stuffed animals
Books, puzzles & games
DVDs & CDs
Costumes & dress-up
Strollers & High Chairs (that pass safety requirements)

We Do NOT Accept:

Anything in need of repair or missing pieces (ripped covers or fabric; bicycles needing TLC; cracked plastic;
playpens with holes in mesh; missing straps)
Cribs; Bumper pads
Car seats and booster seats
Baby Walkers (banned in Canada)
Bassinets; Cradles
Infant bath seats and bath rings
Bumbo seats
Helmets – bicycle, hockey, etc.
Household items, including carpeting, paint and other potentially hazardous materials
Electronics, including TVs, computers, VHS tapes, etc.
Any items that have an expiry date
Clothing items not for children or youth
Jewelry; cosmetics


Tues-Sat shifts 10am-2pm | Mon 9am-12pm
Finds could not exist without the volunteers who man it and the local people who donate to it.

Toss aside the mid-day doldrums and volunteer at FINDS Children’s Exchange. We want you!  Reach Child and Youth Development Society is seeking exuberant and friendly volunteers to help in our Children’s Exchange service in REACH’s new center at 5050 47 Avenue in Ladner BC. 

Shifts are 10 am -2 pm, Tuesday to Saturday or 9 am -12 pm Monday and are accompanied by a deep in your belly good feeling that comes from knowing that you are supporting Reach, a non-profit organization that supports children and youth with special needs.

We have an amazing volunteer staff and would love to add you to our family so if you’re interested in volunteering please email at [email protected]  You can leave your name and phone number with our front desk 604-946-6622 ext. 300.   Thanks so much and we’ll see you soon.

Apply To Be A Volunteer

15 + 13 =


Volunteering is pivotal to the success of non-profit organizations by making it possible to provide more services to the community. Reach Society talked to FINDS sorting volunteers to find out why they help and how they find the time.

Esther Onukwulu  – “I’m retired, so I have lots of time to volunteer and I like to give back to the community”

Jana Wachowski  – “My daughter’s in school now so it’s easy for me to be here sorting. Love to support a great cause: the help Reach gives to children with special needs is worth supporting. FINDS fills a need in the community.”

Dana  Savage – “I’m passionate about thrifting and so it’s a natural place to help out and my efforts feel very much appreciated here. I like to give back and to socialize and I get to do both here and I don’t work in the day so I can be here when my youngest is in preschool.”

Rae-Anne Schneider – “Volunteering for the free enterprise of a non-profit allows me to give back to the community in a number of ways. The reusing and recycling that goes on at FINDS is also great for the environment!”


Thrift Store in Ladner

What people are saying about FINDS Thrift Store in Ladner

Finds customer Carole Douglas:  “The shop is very well organized, clean, well-decorated and smells wonderful”.

Jean Heggie, Finds volunteer:  “It’s not a junk store, we have good quality items.” Jean enjoys interacting with the clientele. It’s a chance to network with parent and grandparent customers over the similar focus of their lives – kids and grandkids!

Linda Edwards, former Finds volunteer:  cites the importance of organization and ability to see results where she volunteers as making the experience rewarding. She also reports meeting fantastic life-long friends through volunteering. In addition, volunteering can provide a sense of belonging to those new to the area.
