GCT sponsors TEENSS program for 6th year!

GCT sponsors TEENSS program for 6th year!

Global Container Terminals renewed their sponsorship of Reach Child and Youth Development Society’s TEENS Social Saturdays program for the 6th year, providing $32,000 annually. This vital program provides valuable learning and social opportunities for youth with extra needs and relief for primary caregivers, allowing them to recharge while ensuring their children receive quality care. GCT’s Marko Dekovic, VP  Public Affairs and Ben Hawk, VP Operations visited the Ladner Child Development Centre today to meet with REACH staff and provide the generous cheque. We extend heartfelt gratitude to GCT for their sustained support to local complex youth.

“As a member of the Delta community, GCT Global Container Terminals is proud to be able to support Reach Child and Youth Society in its essential work with children with special needs”, says Ben Hawk, Vice President, Operations – GCT Deltaport. “Since 2018, GCT has supported GCT TEEN Social Saturday program, and we are thrilled to continue resourcing this special initiative that supports youth ages 12-18. At GCT Deltaport we take our role of being a part of the Delta community very seriously. Dedicating funds to making a positive impact on the lives of local families, including through this program at Reach is a must.”

PHOTO L:R Marko Dekovic, Vice President, Public Affairs – GCT; Tassia Pickard, Renie D’Aquila, Jeanette Trombley, Reach Society staff; Ben Hawk, Vice President, Operations – GCT Deltaport
