Local Construction Companies Support Reach:

Local Construction Companies Support Reach:

Local Construction Companies Support Reach:

With support from the Corporation of Delta- Delta Aggregates and Mainland Sand & Gravel ULC pulled out the stops to get sand delivered to Reach’s new building site in Ladner in short order. In a community show of support of enormous scale, coordinated by Delta Aggregates truck drivers volunteered their time to deliver almost half of the 550 truckloads of sand to 5050 47th Ave- the location of Reach’s new child development centre. Delta Aggregates also provided in kind excavator services for unloading the preload sand. Mainland Sand & Gravel ULC generously provided approximately 5,000 cubic meters of Fraser River preload sand and will also donate trucking to remove the sand after the soil settles.

The preload phase of construction is estimated to be complete by August or September 2016 at which time the building’s construction will start. “What a great way to get this project started with this wonderful community contribution from Delta Aggregates and Mainland Sand and Gravel” said Executive Director Renie D’Aquila. ‘This community based child development centre will help vulnerable children for generations to come.”
