Reach Child Development Centre News

Feb 3, 2025

Art Auction for Autism 2025

View our 2025  Annual Art Auction for Autism February 10th-26th through our online platform and place bids on pieces that speak to you! Bidding will commence at on Feb.10th. NEW this year OPEN HOUSE on FEB.14 Valentine’s Day at REACH Child Development Centre in Ladner. What a great way to feel the love by taking part in a charitable initiative that is supported by the love of local artists and artisans. The REACH  Art Auction for Autism is a great opportunity to feature promote local artist’s work  as well as to raise funds for children with extra needs at REACH. Fortis BC is sponsoring the Art Auction this year and REACH extends gratitude for their support!

The Coldest Night of the Year is a winterrific family-friendly 2 or 5 km fundraising walk in support of local charities serving people experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness. This year, REACH is entering a team in the Surrey-Newton walk to help bring attention and support the diverse communities in this area. Join the REACH CNOY TEAM!  Fundraising will support Moving Forward counselling services and the 2025 walk is a collaborative effort between Guru Nanak Free Kitchen, , SACH (South Asian Community Hub), SALCBC (South Asian Legal Clinic of BC) and SEVA Thrift Store and Moving Forward Counselling Services. All ages can participate and it is free to register. The idea is to walk and have friends and family sponsor you or donate to benefit the Surrey-Newton area.

Nov 26, 2024

Gift of Speech 2024

REACH Gift of Speech 2024 raised over $38,000, a record amount! “Early intervention in speech therapy is the key to unlocking a world of communication for every child. By addressing challenges at the onset, REACH  empowers them to express themselves and connect with others, laying the foundation for a lifetime of meaningful communication”, says Anwar Ul-Haq, Early Intervention Therapies Coordinator. He is pictured here with Renie D’Aquila and Emily Villanueva and Kristy Storey from the Delta Firefighters Charitable Society with an amazingly generous $10,000 contribution to Gift of Speech! Sending profound thanks to everyone who has donated and supported to help local children!


Our 2024 Reach Child and Youth Annual General Meeting and INFO FAIR were great successes! On September 26, 2024, we elected our 2024-25 Board Directors, updated our members on REACH fiscal year 2023-2024 and provided the public with resources about each of our programs in an on-site information fair.




Reach Developmental Preschools offer  all children a stimulating, emergent program to develop their physical, social, emotional, language, and cognitive skills to their full potential.  Preschool North, is in a central location inside the REACH Play and Learn Centre at North Delta Recreation Centre . Registration is still open, so there’s time to secure your child’s place for Septetmber!  For your information, the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative is calculated depending on the days/times attending which will reduce fees. Our teachers and environment is inclusive and play-based. We believe in the potential of your child!

We’re excited to share that Reach is putting together a new adult group for individuals with support needs in the Delta community! Our goal is to create a supportive environment where individuals can build skills that help them achieve their personal goals and live fulfilling lives. To kick things off, we’ve put together a fun survey for everyone to let us know what skills they’re most interested in working on. Whether it’s workplace skills, social skills, or daily-living skills like budgeting or cooking, we want to hear from you!

Once we gather your ideas, we’ll tailor the programming to meet everyone’s needs, and we’ll also organize group meet-ups. This will be a great opportunity to check in on your progress toward your goals and to connect with peers during our center activities and community outings. We can’t wait to hear your thoughts and to have you join us on this journey!

National Indigenous Peoples Day, June 21st is a day to recognize, showcase and celebrate the heritage, diversity, culture and contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Metis people across Canada! Reach Aboriginal Supported Development Program staff participated in the celebrations at Surrey at Bill Reid Millennium Ampitheatre and in the celebration at Tsawwassen First Nation where they had a build a bear activity for attendees. Enjoy the accompanying photo of the team out in Surrey at NIPD 2024 🙂

Apr 9, 2024

McHappy Day was May 8, 2024!

For many years, Ladner and Tsawwassen McDonald’s Restaurants have been supporting Reach Child and Youth Development Society on McHappy Day. It was a sunny community day that included Delta Police and Firefighters, craft and musical volunteers on May 8th, 2024. Generous McDonald’s patrons came out in force and McDonald’s staff supported it all with a smile!

Tamara Veitch Events Coordinator at Reach Society says, “McHappy Day is a wonderful reminder of what community truly means. Everyone is welcome! Our heartfelt thanks to McDonald’s owner Nauman Jutt, his staff and to all the amazing volunteers and community members who participated!” Stay tuned for fundraising total that will benefit REACH children!

Delta Hot Chocolate Fest is here February 19 to March 24 with divine chocolate treats at local bakeries and coffee shops! We are delighted to announce that Reach Society has been chosen as the beneficiary and $1 from each treat purchased will be donated to our kids. Generous local businesses taking part with a special menu item include  Stir Coffee, Localz, Camille’s Boutique, Richlea Bakery and Gourmand Macaron in Ladner; L’aromas, Nat’s Coffee and Prado in Tsawwassen and Cravings Coffee in North Delta. Sending a big thank you to participants and organizers South Delta Local and City of Delta!



Jan 6, 2024

Art for Autism 2024

REACH 4th Annual online Art Auction for Autism closed on Monday, Feb. 26, 2024. Fabulous original paintings, sculpture, jewelry, pottery and photographs were donated by generous local artists! Learn more about this fundraiser in Delta Optimist’s article Reach Art Auction Showcases Local Artists. Proceeds from the fundraiser benefit autism services at Reach Society. Thank you for participating!!

Reach Child and Youth Development Society Executive Director Renie D’Aquila was named Citizen of the Year by the Delta Chamber of Commerce on November 17, 2023. The Delta Optimist wrote an editorial: a Champion of Children on Renie and articles on her accolade also appeared in the North Delta Reporter and the Surrey Now Reporter !“There is always a way we can help children and families who are struggling, and even in the most complex situations and that’s what we do,” Renie said  . “We want families to know that help is within reach.” D’Aquila was instrumental in forming the Reach Foundation Board and spearheaded the $5.7 million Building for Children Together campaign to construct the 20,000-square-foot Lois E. Jackson Kinsmen Centre for Children in Ladner, which officially opened its doors in February of 2018. The organization also operates from two other locations in North Delta and three more in Surrey.

Phyllis With, a volunteer with Reach and president of the society’s board of directors, has worked closely with D’Aquila for almost 20 years, and says she is impressed by the “quiet, unassuming ways Renie works with others to achieve positive change in so many aspects of our community.”“Renie does not look for recognition for herself but shares her knowledge and expertise to improve the lives of children, youth and their families,” D’Aquila’s tireless efforts extend far beyond her professional role. She has been a steadfast advocate for inclusivity, education and social progress in the community, inspiring countless others to join her in making Delta a better place for all. “Renie D’Aquila’s compassion, dedication and relentless pursuit of positive change serves as an inspiration to us all. Her impact on Delta is immeasurable, and her recognition as the 2023 Citizen of the Year for 2023 is truly well-deserved,” said Jill McKnight, executive director of the Delta Chamber of Commerce.

Aug 24, 2023


Reach Child and Youth Development Society Annual General Meeting was held September 28, 2023 from 7-8:30 pm. It was offered in in-person and virtual formats and featured parent speaker Narinderjit Toor who shared her family’s experience with REACH. In addition, REACH Executive Director Renie D’Aquila, Society President Phyllis With and Foundation Chair Denis Horgan all gave speeches summarizing the non-profit’s activities during the year. In-person participants enjoyed refreshments and socializing and long term volunteers and staff received recognition of their service.

A Taste of Reach fundraiser is a much-loved event and was held Oct.12,2023 at Tasty Indian Bistro, North Delta.  Comedian Hollywood Harv Puni was our Taste of Reach emcee and led the evening beautifully for guests that culminated in a wonderful family style meal at the popular restaurant.

This year’s A Taste of Reach funds will be designated to REACH’s Access2Play Capital Campaign which will raise funds to more than double the size of the public playground at the North Delta Recreation Centre and Reach Preschool North. This playground will help meet growing population needs and create a hub that is more accessible for children, youth and adults with wheelchairs, sensory needs, and mobility issues in this underserved and diverse community. We send gratitude to GOLD SPONSORS  Realco Properties and Harp Khela Real Estate Group,  Holyside Property Development, SILVER SPONSOR Group 161 BRONZE SPONSORS Envision Financial (Delta Branches) and BMGroup International as well as our live auction donors Pacific Coastal Airlines, Immediate Images, ONNI Group, J&R Excavating, Glass House Luxury Events, Metropolitan Hotel and  Modello Bespoke Tailoring,  for their support!

Enjoy the entire Facebook album at the event HERE!

Jun 28, 2023

WINDED 5km Fun Run!


WINDED 5km fun run around Southlands for charity including a finish line beverage and bratwurst was a huge success on August 5th, 2023! Reach Child and Youth Development Society was thrilled to be the beneficiary of funds raised at WINDED!! An amazing total of $11,000 was raised at the event and enjoy the photo coverage in The Delta Optimist.

Sending a huge thank you to Four Winds Brewing, iA Private Wealth Tsawwassen and Newmans Fine Foods, the RunInn and additional partners -The Grange/ Red Barn and Santevia Water Systems for making this community fundraiser possible that benefits local children with extra needs.


Jun 7, 2023

Reach for the Stars Gala 2023!

REACH 2023 Reach for the Stars: La Belle Vie Gala was a wonderful success.   We send a BIG THANK YOU to Major Donor REALCO Properties, Presenting Sponsors Vancouver Fraser Port Authority and Ocean Trailer as well as Platinum Sponsor Beedie for their enduring support. Gold Sponsors Tasty Indian Bistro, Westshore Terminals and DP World are also very much appreciated as are all of our sponsors who make Reach for the Stars Galas possible.

High points of the evening included musical performances by Reach program youth Koltyn Serne (pictured with music teacher and REACH clinician Tassia Pickard) and Andrew McInally. The celebratory evening was emceed by Steve Darling and included a cocktail hour, plated gourmet dinner with wine, live musical entertainment from jazz man Gabriel Mark Hasselbach and LJ Monteney plus a live and silent auction. Reach for the Stars 50/50 raffle winners were Gaitlin and Mackenzie Saip and the Air Canada Foundation raffle winner was Elaine Chu.


Apr 19, 2023

McHappy Day 2023!

McHappy Day brought children’s activities and family fun May 10 to Ladner and Tsawwassen McDonald’s restaurants!  Delta police and firefighters were on site providing energy and excitement.  Delta Senior Secondary Theatre Company and Southpointe Choir performed for patrons and the community came together to raise $10,000 at South Delta McDonald’s restaurants. Sending a big THANK YOU to new South Delta Owner/Operator Nauman Jutt and staff for supporting REACH kids with this community fundraiser!

BC’s Ministry of Family Development new service delivery model designed for chilldren and youth with some sort of support need (CYSN) has been paused. At the time of this annnouncement, the Premier promised continuation of individualized funding or CYSN with autism for all current and newly diagnosed children.

The Family Connections Centres (FCC) model was to offer “therapies, interventions, supports and services to CYSN and their families based on their unique needs, regardless of whether they have a diagnosis.” However, significant concerns have been raised about the effectiveness and impact of the new model.

The BC Representative for Children and Youth has revisited the FCC proposal examining the key components of effective, family-centered service delivery for CYSN; additional components required to address mental health needs for CYSN and effective service delivery to indigenous CYSN and their families.

The conclusion drawn was that an improved and inclusive CYSN delivery service will be best achieved through consultation and planning with Child Development Centres, Aboriginal Friendship Centres, other community-based agencies, Indigenous leaders and communities, families, ministry CYSN field staff and advocates.

Resourceful ਵਿਸ਼ੇਸ਼ ਲੋੜਾਂ ਔਟਿਜ਼ਮ Organization for the Punjabi Speaking Community

Reach Child and Youth Development Society, a non-profit, has served children and families since 1959. Learn about ਔਟਿਜ਼ਮ and ਵਿਸ਼ੇਸ਼ ਲੋੜਾਂ support in our resource for Punjabi speaking families who have children with special needs including autism. The REACH summary of programs in Punabi explains each program simply in one document and is found on REACH Programs page.   If you were wondering about developmental milestones from newborn to 36 months, visit our post   ਨਵਜਾਤ ਵਿਕਾਸ ਚੈੱਕਲਿਸਟ for information from our Infant Development Program.   Watch REACH Events page for new workshops in Punjabi as they become available and contact [email protected] for information about our Punjabi Speaking Parents Support Group.

Specialized Care & Support for Children with ਔਟਿਜ਼ਮ & ਵਿਸ਼ੇਸ਼ ਲੋੜਾਂ

Specialized Care & Support for Children with ਔਟਿਜ਼ਮ & ਵਿਸ਼ੇਸ਼ ਲੋੜਾਂ is available here at Reach Child and Youth Development Society.

Special needs

ਵਿਸ਼ੇਸ਼ ਲੋੜਾਂ



REACH Art Auction for Autism fundraiser is now closed. Fabulous paintings, pottery, jewelry and sculpture were  donated by local artists and REACH is so appreciative of the amazing support! The auction ran from Feb.12 – Feb.27, 2023 at noon. $7375 was raised and if you were a successful item bidder, you can pick up your lot at Reach Society head office in Ladner, BC, between 9-4, Monday to Thursday.    A HUGE THANK YOU is due to  South Delta Artist’s Guild, South Delta Artisans, Delta Potters Association and Watershed Artworks Society in North Delta group and individual artists who have been so generous with their support. REACH Events Committee volunteers have worked hard to bring this event to you and we are grateful. Proceeds from all sales benefitted children at Reach Child and Youth Society.

Nov 24, 2022

REACH Gift of Speech 2022

REACH speech therapy helps children communicate their needs and wants to their parents. We’re thrilled to report that generous donors provided $26,615 to children for speech therapy during Gift of Speech 2022! Thank you so much for giving children with complex needs the ability to ask for what they need and improving families quality of life. The campaign was of Speech was featured on Global TV during December: watch the Month of Giving Back interview here.

$50 funds a session of speech therapy and 10 sessions make a meaningful difference to a child’s development. We send heartfelt gratitude Warner Bros. Discovery and Superman & Lois for their generous donation that 10 children from the waitlist! Watch Superman & Lois cast members Gift of Speech video!  Also, on Giving Tuesday. REACH was on site at Ladner Envision on Giving Tuesday providing information and accepting donations where $1,000 was matched by Envision Ladner branch.


The Diamonds & Dollars Raffle presented by Agnes Douglas and Odlum Brown Limited  ended Nov.27, 2022. Shona Bruce was the happy winner of the diamond ring and Darlene Horgan won the 50/50 and donated the proceeds back to REACH resulting in a $5030 total fundraised.  The 14 karat gold diamond band is claw set in four claw settings with twelve round brilliant cut diamonds of SI-I clarity and H-I colour with a combined total diamond weight of approximately 0.50 ct. On its own or paired with another ring, this classic beauty sparkles. Ticket  sales supported children with extra needs at Reach Child & Youth Development Society.

September 30, 2022 marked the second National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and REACH staff program proudly donned their orange shirts to honour the lost children and survivors of residential schools. In addition, REACH ASCD program staff (pictured above)  made bannock for staff that was extremely well received.  REACH ASCD Program also provided selected online resources that allow us to bear witness to indigenous voices. All My Relations is a recommended podcast you can listen to on the move. Murray Sinclair’s statement after discovering the discovery at the former Residential School site in Kamloops was also provided. Visit REACH Useful Links page under Reconciliation Resources for more…

Aug 18, 2022

Preschool South – Afternoons Available

REACH Preschool South is an inclusive, play-based and licensed preschool. All our teachers are ECE Certified and we believe in potential! We are taking registration for Tuesday and Thursday afternoons in September. Contact Susie at [email protected] or call 604-946-6622 ext 308. Focus is on process not product, with designated areas for creation, problem solving and group work. Meet the teachers and learn about the nurturing environment on the Preschool North program page.

Jul 18, 2022

REACH AGM September 22, 2022

REACH Annual General Meeting was held Thursday, September 22nd virtually. REACH Society president Phyllis With, REACH Foundation Chair Denis Horgan, REACH Treasurer Ryan Thomas and Executive Director Renie D’Aquila attended in person in order to share information directly from the podium to the membership.  Attendees learned about what goes on behind the scenes at REACH Child and Youth Development Society, heard volunteer board of directors introductions and enjoyed a presentation from Amy Miller, who also attended in person to share her experience as a REACH parent and author of ‘Life With Williams Syndrome’ about her daughter Olivia. Amy kindly donated copies to REACH and in the photo, Phyllis, Renie and Denis learn more from Amy post AGM.

Feb 22, 2022

Behaviour Interventionists – We’re hiring!

Behaviour Interventionists implement 1:1 intervention sessions for children with Autism, while working collaboratively with an experienced support team. We’re looking for BI’s in the South Delta area specifically right now! If you like to work with children, we train you to be part of the team! Learn more at our position posting.

Jan 19, 2022

REACH Youth Hangout!

Are you between the ages of 18-24?   We have a new group at REACH Ladner head office’s youth room and have an hour of connection and friendship!  Learn more in our video about  this social skill building support group for neuro diverse young adults that offers friends and community! Join by sending an email to [email protected] and express your interest. We will send registration information to you or your parent/caregiver on how to join in. REACH Ladner Centre is at 5050 47th Avenue.  Please spread the word – we would love to have you join us!

Dec 17, 2021

Lehigh Cement supports Holiday Hampers for REACH families!

Lehigh Cement held a food and toy drive for REACH kids and Charlene Leach brought the generous donations in with the help of mom Verna and dad Tuba December 14th. REACH’s Kristin Bibbs gladly helped unload the laden vehicles to be stored for distribution to REACH children.  Sending out a BIG THANK YOU to Lehigh for the thoughtful items that will brighten 36 holiday hampers to families this Christmas!

Nov 7, 2021

REACH Gift of Speech 2021

Our 2021 Gift of Speech campaign supported speech therapy sessions that assess and support issues related to communication development in children. Areas of development include: production and sequencing of speech sounds, learning words and putting them together to produce phrases and sentences, understanding questions and following directions, social communication skills, fluency or stuttering, voice disorders, hearing loss, and, alternative and augmentative communications needs.

Warner Bros. and Envision Financial are joining us this year as part of their community outreach!  Warner Bros. Superman & Lois cast  who in Ladner, BC has joined with us to support the campaign with a donation of 120 hours of speech therapy! In addition, Envision Financial, a division of First West Credit Union, has matched an additional $5000 in donations ! We also had a visit from Fraserway RV on Dec. 16 with a generous donation that removed another 10 children from the waitlist for speech therapy. We are excited to announce that we reached a total of $32,350 in donations: sending a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who donated!!


Sending out a BIG THANK YOU to all who participated in our REACH RAFFLES!! The Kingfisher Oceanside Resort and Spa on Vancouver Island offers relaxation and exceptional luxury!  Our winner, P. Edwards will be enjoying a 2 night stay for two in a brand new ocean view room and a spa treatment. Proceeds benefit Reach Child and Youth Development Society and local children with needs. Thank you for providing this generous prize Kingfisher Oceanside Resort and Spa! In addition, we have drawn the winner N. Plaxton of the 50/50 draw. Half the pot of $2,440 means that  $1,220 will be supporting local children with needs.


Reach Child and Youth Development Society Virtual Ungala Auction 2021 offered 70+ gourmet, beverage, experience, travel, fitness, retail, spa and golf prizes online. It closed Oct.18 at noon. Don’t despair if you missed it because there’s also a getaway trip raffle to Kingfisher Resort and a 50/50! Proceeds support children and youth with special needs at Reach Child and Youth Development Society.

Presenting Sponsors of Reach for the Stars Ungala Auction were Ocean Trailer and Vancouver Fraser Port Authority;  Gold sponsors Beedie and Westshore; and Bronze sponsors Tsawwassen Shuttle, BA Blacktop and Ceres Terminals Canada . “We are so grateful for the tremendous, unwavering support of our donors as we pivot to a virtual auction in light of the postponement of our Gala. Their desire to ensure we continue to raise funds to serve our children and families throughout the pandemic is demonstrative of the generosity of spirit, kindness and compassion that make our communities so special”, states REACH Development Manager Kristin Bibbs.

Do you have a child who is entering Kindergarten in the fall?
Have they not had the opportunity to connect with other children as much as you would like?
Do you want to provide your child with an opportunity to develop some interpersonal and school readiness skills?
Then REGISTER NOW for Reach’s Kindergarten Readiness Program.

Week 1:July 5-9
Week 2: July 12-16
Week 3: July19-23
Week 4: July 26-30
Register for 1 week at a time for as many weeks as you like.
Times: 9am—1pm daily Monday to Friday
Location: Reach Preschool North Delta 10921 – 82 Avenue

Cost*: $125.00/week

Registration: [email protected] or call 604-946-6622 ext. 308

Daily programing will be planned to enhance students skills in the following areas: Social, emotional, fine and gross motor, cognitive and creative. They will gain experience in following routines and directions. They will have the opportunity to enhance their ability to transition between activities and stretch their independence.


Reach Child and Youth Development Society auctioned off work by local artists to raise funds for programs again this year and sending a HUGE THANK YOU to all those who donated, shared and bid! The auction is now closed and winners can pick up their artwork at REACH Child Development Centre in Ladner, 5050 47th Avenue, starting July 5th, 2021. Office hours are 9 am to 4 pm, see you then and congratulations!

Our 2nd Annual REACH for Beauty: An Art Auction for Autism was held this June 13th-28th at Many fabulous Delta artists were featured at the auction and an artist bio is included with each piece donated. Over 80 paintings, photographs, sculpture, pottery, quilt and art pieces were offered to the public. For more info contact [email protected]


Mar 22, 2021

REACH Rocks Diamond Pendant & 50/50 Raffle

The REACH Rocks raffle prize was a stunning 18 Carat White Gold Diamond Pendant that was custom created and designed by The Global Diamond Brokers for REACH. Resting on an 18 Carat White Gold Chain, this delicate pendant boasted over 40 diamonds spelling the word REACH and was valued at $5,000.

At REACH this word signifies supporting children with extra needs in reaching their potential. It also is a part of ‘Reach for the Stars!’  This word can be significant to every person as we all reach for something in our lives, whether it be internal, external, tangible, or spiritual. The raffle draw was Sunday, May 9th, 2021.

Thank you for your support – all raffle proceeds benefitted children with developmental needs at REACH!

REACH Punjabi Speaking Parents Support and Information Group will give parents an opportunity to learn about resources and funding, share concerns, connect with other parents and support one another in a safe, caring, and non-judgmental environment.

Reach has held the support group since 2016, which met in-person at Surrey’s Strawberry Hill Library prior to the pandemic.

“Local parents taking part of the group have enjoyed sharing their experiences with raising children with developmental differences,” according to a press release.

In the past, support group parents have also visited the Reach Child Development Centre in Ladner and gathered for social events.

The Punjabi Speaking Parents Support and Information Group will meet via Zoom on the last Thursday of each month, starting Feb. 25, from 11 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. There is no charge to participate.

“I look forward to meeting everyone and listening to and sharing the challenges and joys of parenting,” group facilitator Pindi Mann says.

Anyone interested in participating is asked to contact Mann at [email protected] for more information and to registration.

Jan 5, 2021

REACH Family Satisfaction Survey 2021

Every year, REACH conducts a Family Satisfaction Survey with our community who receive services. If a family receives more than one service from Reach, they can choose to complete a survey for all services or just one survey for the program they feel they got the most service from. This will be noted on the cover letter that is sent out with the paper surveys, as well as in the email sent out about the surveys. Access the results from 2020’s survey here to understand the scope of the information gathered. It is very important that we get the highest response rate possible in order to make improvements and serve our families better. The REACH Family Satisfaction Survey can be completed in a matter of minutes and is user friendly. The on line version on Survey Monkey was emailed to families January 28, 2021. Paper copies were also mailed to families unable to complete electronically. We look forward to your participation and input!

Dec 12, 2020

REACH Holiday Appeal Supports Mental Health

Thank you to all the generous supporters of REACH holiday appeal 2020. We raised just over $20,000 which is an incredible result and so helpful to those suffering mental health issues in these difficult times! Your support is important and will make a difference for children and families in 2021. REACH Counsellor Yvonne McKenna says  “Due to COVID-19 there is increased anxiety and stress so counselling sessions are needed more than ever, whether they are done by video or phone. Reach is continuing sessions with caregivers, children and teens as before and remote sessions are possible and effective.”


With everyone in our province limiting travel and reducing contact as much as possible with the new COVID-19 restrictions , you might be looking for virtual resources. Access our resource page here. We have included a new category with virtual anti-racism resources including a podcast from CBC. The other categories include multiple online activities for kids, mental health and safety resources.

BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) has advice for safe celebration of the holidays while the pandemic is still with us.  Many seasonal events traditionally involve gatherings and BCCDC offers advice for this holiday season in light of the continued restrictions the province has imposed until January 8th.  For a wealth of information, visit Safer Celebrations and Ceremonies on the BCCDC website.

Sep 27, 2020

REACH 50/50 raffle winner drawn!

Sending out a BIG THANKYOU to everyone who participated in our 50/50 draw! We were delighted to provide just over $1,500 to the lucky winner who so kindly donated $100 back to us. Proceeds of our Air Canada Foundation, Fairmont Hot Springs hotel/golf get away and 50/50 raffles benefitted children with needs at REACH. These online fundraising efforts were very helpful during COVID-19 and we appreciate each and every person who participated.

Our 8th Annual Reach for the Stars Gala with presenting sponsor Vancouver Fraser Port Authority aired virtually on Oct.03, 2020. The fun-filled atmosphere created by MC Steve Darling was appreciated by guests and REACH is very thankful to all who participated. The generosity of sponsors, donors and guests made the benefit supporting children with needs extremely successful. The fundraising total is being tabulated: stay posted!


Reach Child and Youth Development Society held an outside, physically distanced event  in Delta called Cruising for Clues – a Summer Scavenger Hunt on August 27, 28, 29 and 30th. Here are our winners and huge thanks to all who played and to prize donors Newmans Fine Foods, Four Winds Brewing Co., Starbucks and Boca Grande Donuts!!

  • Team Siba Family: Tom, Kathleen, Heather and Jen. Grand Prize – BBQ Prize Package courtesy of Newmans Fine Foods and Four Winds Brewing
  • Team Rowa – Sharon and Terry – Runner Up Prize #2 – $50 to Starbucks
  • Team Nana and Opa – Linda and Gary Honigman – Runner Up #3 – $50 GC to Boca Grande Donuts

For those who played –  see all the correct answers here.

Mental Health is increasingly a concern as we live with the pandemic. Parents of children with special needs and their parents can receive counselling help at REACH. Due to COVID-19, families are experiencing increased anxiety and stress and we have got a fundraising campaign running to help with the additional costs. Visit our Canada Helps Counselling page to find out more. We are running a combination of virtual and in-person sessions currently with children as young as 5 years that incorporate play therapy. These sessions are very much appreciated by families.

We are thrilled to announce that Vancouver Foundation has awarded Reach Child and Youth Development Society with a Community Response Fund flexible operating grant of $50,000.00. REACH sends out profound gratitude for these funds that mitigate the losses to our CHOICES and ABA programs as a result of COVID-19. The Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) program is a skill building program that teaches functional skills to children with autism spectrum disorders. REACH CHOICES program encompasses a diverse range of options. Clients have access to Speech Language Pathologists, Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists as well as Behavioural Consultants specializing in addressing challenging behaviours in children.

At the onset of restrictions to in-person service delivery, our team quickly developed an integrated approach to remain connected and offer telehealth virtual services to provide direct support to our families. This approach includes three levels of intervention: 1) Parent Support Training; 2) Behaviour Reduction; and 3) Skill Building. With support from Vancouver Foundation, we were able to continue to support vulnerable families to assist with challenging behaviours and work with parents to develop strategies to continue their children’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) within their homes.

As of June 17, 2020, we have resumed in-person services in REACH ABA and CHOICES programs. ABA  session start-up has been welcomed by most families and they  have signed up for service. Almost all Behavioural Interventionists have been recalled and are ready to deliver in-person service with specific COVID-19 protocols in place. Each staff member at REACH received a safety bag with PPE visor, masks, gloves and sanitizer assembled by volunteers June 10-12th, 2020 (photo L:R Karen Ostrom, Donna Grant, Sue Richards, Stella MacDonald).  Some aspects of remote sessions will be maintained –parent training component for teeth brushing or eating or using iPad to ask for a snack – it has proven very effective to coach the parent to do this and implement session goals at home because it empowers the parent.

CHOICES has begun to work with  ABA to amalgamate BI hiring/training and scheduling, which will provide efficiencies. In-person service provision has begun and there will be a place for virtual follow up / remote observation, and virtual education allows for higher participation from parents. In addition, CHOICES is offering virtual music therapy groups this summer (contact [email protected] for more information) including:

  • U CAN UKE – Learn how to play the ukulele! Uke CAN do it!
  • DISNEY FAN CLUB – Practice social skills and improve articulation through the magic of Disney music!
  • BUILD YOUR OWN BAND! – Make your own instruments using regular household items and then jam out with your friends all from the comfort of your home!

Sending a HUGE REACH THANK YOU to the Vancouver Foundation for supporting these initiatives and the families and children who benefit from them. We are indeed all in this together!

Jun 3, 2020

Summer Music Therapy Virtual Groups

Summer Music Classes:
Fun, Creativity, and Learning!
Class descriptions below:

Discover the joy of playing the ukulele in this fun and engaging class! (Bring your own ukulele.) This is a perfect activity to share with an older sibling or even mom and dad for a memorable family bonding experience. The cheerful sound of the ukulele will brighten your day while boosting confidence, improving motor coordination, and enhancing attention span. Uke CAN do it!

Experience the magic of Disney music while improving your social skills and articulation! Sing along to your favorite Disney classics and enjoy fun, interactive games inspired by beloved songs. Let us bring the magic of Disney right to you!

Get creative and craft your very own musical instruments using household items! Once your band is ready, jam out with friends in the comfort of your home. It’s a hands-on, musical adventure that inspires imagination and teamwork.

Class Schedules:

  • CLASS #1: U CAN UKE!
    Thursdays, 3:00–3:30 PM
    4 weeks: June 25 – July 16
    Cost: $80

    Thursdays, 3:30–4:15 PM
    4 weeks: June 25 – July 16
    Cost: $100

  • CLASS #3: U CAN UKE 2!
    Thursdays, 3:00–3:30 PM
    4 weeks: August 6 – 27
    Cost: $80

    Thursdays, 3:30–4:15 PM
    4 weeks: August 6 – 27
    Cost: $100

REACH coordinators and therapists have put together resources for you and your family to access at home during the COVID-19 crisis. There are five categories of helpful resources on the Virtual Resource Page – Apps & Websites; Activities to do at Home; Social Learning Stories; Mental Health and Health & Safety. The learning curve is steep as we physical distance and stay at home as much as possible. We hope that the Virtual Resource Page helps  you!

Apr 20, 2020

Volunteer Week 2020

REACH is lucky to have 118 dedicated volunteers. We have Volunteer Directors who serve on our Foundation and  Society Boards. We have FINDS Children’s Exchange in store volunteers and sorting volunteers. We have Events volunteers who help plan and work at fundraisers and we have program volunteers who help where needed. We applaud them all for their commitment over the years and their generosity and caring! Thank you – we couldn’t do what we do without you!! To learn more about the volunteering experience at REACH visit our VOLUNTEER page.

REACH CHOICES program offers fee-for-service sessions with Speech Language Pathologists (SLP), Physiotherapists (PT), Occupational Therapists (OT) and Behavioural Consultants (BC) virtually during the COVID-19 crisis. If your child (infant to age 19) has a behaviour, speech or motor skill development issue to address, we offer one-to-one video conferencing sessions and group distance sessions. Please visit the CHOICES page for more information.

Feb 13, 2020

Coronavirus Update – Fraser Health

COVID-19 Update: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recommends that all Canadians  practice social distancing and stay home as much as they can. Access the the personal assessment tool for the virus here. In addition, The province has created a phone service to provide non-medical information about COVID-19, including the latest information on travel recommendations and social distancing. Information is available in more than 110 languages, 7:30 am – 8 pm at 1-888-COVID19 (1-888-268-4319) or via text message at 604-630-0300.   More Questions about protecting your family from the novel coronavirus (219-nCoV)? Fraser Health recommends the same measures effective for reducing the risk of  cold or flu:

  • wash your hands frequently
  • use alcohol-based hand rubs if a sink is not available
  • avoid touching your face/eyes/mouth with unwashed hands
  • cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough with a disposable tissue or the crease of your elbow
  • clean frequently touched surfaces
  • stay home if you’re sick and away from others so you don’t pass it on

In addition,  Fraser Health has provided resources about this new virus causing respiratory illness:

Common questions about Corona Virus

BC Centre for Disease Control on Coronal Virus


Jan 7, 2020

3rd Annual Cheers for Children

Four Winds Brewing Co.hosted their annual fundraiser for REACH at Harris Barn in Ladner featuring music from the Star Captains (Soul, R&B), A2Z (Funk instrumental)  and Olin Brix (Pop) on Feb. 8th, 2020.  Over $20,000 was raised thanks to Four Winds efforts for the 3rd year running! Quality micro-brews  from Luppolo, Strange Fellows, House of Funk, Greenhill Cider and Four Winds accompanied live music performed by Olin Brix, A2Z and Star Captains .  A BIG THANK YOU to the volunteers, donors, sponsors and guests who made the evening such an enormous success!

Dec 18, 2019

Music Therapy at REACH

Reach Child and Youth Development Society (REACH) has a music therapy group for children with extra needs aged 8-12! A new session will be offered after Spring Break. The Upstagers – REACH Glee Club is a partnership with Note by Note Music Therapy and successfully uses music to encourage teamwork, patience and self-confidence. Participants work with their peers in a supportive environment and increase skills while enjoying musical activities. Music is processed in a different area of the brain than speech and language and it sends a clearer signal that is more easily recognized. This is very powerful for individuals with processing problems. Music therapy harnesses this power and integrates other skill building with music activities.

North Delta – Thursday April 2- June 4, 2020. 4-6 pm

South Delta – Friday April 3-June 5, 2020 4:30-6:30 pm


4:05-4:45 music therapy session

4:45-5:00 snack and break

5:00-5:30 special musical or art project

5:30-6:00 meditation and relaxation to music


For more information contact– [email protected].

Nov 22, 2019

REACH Gift of Speech 2019

The ability to communicate with others is at the very foundation of a child’s social, emotional and educational development. Gain insight into speech therapy with REACH GIFT OF SPEECH this holiday season! Watch videos of 4 year old Parvaan in therapy with Speech Language Pathologist Katie Scozzafava  at our CAMPAIGN where you will have the opportunity to help this vital work continue. This year’s goal is $13,750 to enable 25  children to receive 10 sessions of speech therapy each. Please help us remove children in need from waitlists! Give the gift of speech to children with speech, language and hearing disorders and make an enduring difference in their lives.

Oct 28, 2019

A Taste of Reach 2019

Presenting sponsor Dilawri Group and Tasty Indian Bistro made our 3rd Annual Taste of Reach Fundraiser possible! This year’s event was held December 3rd at Tasty Indian Bistro North Delta and featured elegant South Asian cuisine paired with fine wine and micro-brew tastes.   The wonderful guests,  Tasty Bistro staff, volunteers, donors, and sponsors mingled with emcee  Grey Cup Champion Marco Iannuzzi  and enjoyed themselves immensely. Iannuzzi was also auctioneer, achieving top bids on the live auction that adds to the excitement of this celebratory evening. An inside look at REACH  services was provided by a local family so that guests understand the impact that their donations make.

REACH extends many thanks to A Taste of Reach Bronze Sponsors: Envision FinancialPacific Chartered Advisors, BM Group International,  Colliers Canada-Mike Grewal  and Bob Johal. We are appreciative of Beverage Sponsors Old Yale Brewing, The Drinks List, Charton Hobbs, La Stella and Dessert Sponsor Just Cakes BC . Thank you to Drishti Magazine for coming on board as our media sponsor.


Aug 12, 2019

Mingler at the Mills 2019

Mingler at the Mills evening with appetizers and boutique beverages to benefit Reach Child and Youth Development Society  raised $5,500 to support children with special needs.  Micro brewery tastes from Four Winds, Steamworks, Steel & Oak and Parallel 49. Fine wine from Delf Wines, Indigenous World Winery and Select Wines. Spirits tastes provided by Goodridge & Williams Distilling.  Live jazz from acclaimed Gabriel Mark Hasselbach added to the smooth soiree and fall fashions were previewed. Fabulous door prizes were provided by the GAP, Pacific Breeze Winery, Parallel 49, Marshalls, Pastime Sports and  Lagoon Baby.  Also  a Bass Pro MR. STEAK barbecue ($762 value with cover, BBQ implements and Gill light/speaker); Tommy Hilfiger designer luggage & colognes or down winter his/hers jackets were awarded in our raffle.  Many thanks to Tsawwassen Mills and Boston Pizza Tsawwassen for making this evening possible.


Jul 19, 2019

2nd Annual Hampton Cove Community Day of Golf

The 2nd annual community golf day to benefit Reach Child and Youth Development Society (REACH) took place on August 17, 2019 at The Links at Hampton Cove in Ladner. The Hampton Cove Community Open, Annual Golf Day for Charity brings the community together for summer fun and to raise awareness and funds for local children and youth with special needs at REACH.

The “Open”,featured three (3) 9 hole executive shotgun starts and one (1) family game play plus live musical entertainment, a beer tasting by local breweries, BBQ, chipping contest and putting contest. The Family Kids Zone includes a bouncy castle, crafts, kids activities and special guest appearance by the St John Ambulance therapy dogs.

Organizing sponsors pictured above are L:R Earl Francis, The Links at Hampton Cove; Michael Lepore, Royal Lepage and  Glenn Issler, JAM Mortgages. Dilawri Group and Mercedes Benz Richmond sponsored the hole-in-one competition with a chance to win a brand new A Class Mercedes Benz year and like last year, 100% of the net sponsorship proceeds benefit REACH.


Youth with developmental disabilities involved in a respite group at Reach Child and Youth Development Society visited GCT Deltaport container terminal at Roberts Bank in April. The group is sponsored by Global Container Terminals Canada and offers social interaction, activities, and outings to youth with needs aged 12-18. GCT Canada Operations Manager Ryan Thomas hosted the weekend visitors in office and then took the group of 16 youth and 7 staff on a bus tour of the facilities. GCT TEENSS program coordinator Denise Sheridan said, “GCT was so generous with their time and contributions during our tour. The youth and staff thoroughly enjoyed it.”

GCT stepped up to sponsor the teens program for 3 years in 2018. “We’re proud to be part of the Delta community and helping it REACH its full potential by sponsoring the GCT TEENSS, a very special program offered by REACH that supports the optimal development of vulnerable youth”, stated Eric Waltz, President of GCT Canada. The outing at the terminal is indicative of the increased number of activities and outings made possible by the GCT sponsorship that the youth might not otherwise experience. The funds also allow the GCT TEENSS program to have a number of years of predictable funding to expand and serve more youth in the community.

Learn more about GCT TEENSS program on our program page.

Apr 7, 2019

2019 Reach for the Stars Gala

Sending out a giant thank you to our community – guests, volunteers, donors and sponsors! Reach for Stars: Shining Lights Gala was a heartwarming success on so many fronts. Fantastic young performers from our programs and family stories added a glimpse into what REACH does while the excitement of auctions, raffles and a gorgeous summer evening. Stay tuned for the total raised and our photo album of the event on Facebook.


Jan 3, 2019

2nd Annual Cheers for Children Fundraiser

On February 2nd, 2019 Four Winds Brewing Co. held their annual fundraiser for Reach Child and Youth Development Society at Harris Barn in Ladner and raised $20,000 for REACH! The evening of live music, beverages and food featured local music acts Marin Patenaudethe Wrangleros, and the Rocket Revellers. Huge thanks to our volunteers, guests and sponsors for making this event a massive success once more! Along with a great selection of Four Winds beers, beverages from  Steel & OakTwin SailsYellow Dog, and Dageraad as well as a cider from Greenhill Cider. were featured. Non-alcoholic drinks were provided by Dickie’s Ginger Beer and food was provided by Newman’s Fine Foods and the Four Winds Kitchen.



Delta Firefighters Charitable Foundation donations from Harvest Festival are always significant and heartfelt. This year was no exception as members were on hand at Reach Child and Youth Development Society with a cheque for $65,000 that included a $25,000 donation from Brad Newell . Newell approached the stage during Harvest Fest night 2018 to announce this generous contribution and to put out a challenge to the community to match it. Brad’s Challenge is now on line, visit  to learn more and donate. He hopes that the community will join in to raise an additional $25,000 to remove 12 more families from Reach Society’s Delta Connex waitlist.


Nov 9, 2018

2nd Annual A Taste of Reach Fundraiser

Our 2nd Annual Taste of Reach during the GRAND OPENING of Tasty Indian Bistro Yaletown was a terrific success ! Sending out a huge thank you to all our guests, sponsors, donors and volunteers! This elegant evening featured divine South Asian cuisine paired with wine, beer and cocktails. Funds raised benefited children and youth with special needs and their families at Reach Society. Heartfelt gratitude to presenting sponsor Dilawri Group  and Tasty Indian Bistro for making this five star evening possible!


  • Fabulous CBC personality Fred Lee was our MC
  • Festive mingling indoors/outdoors at Tasty Indian Bistro’s Yaletown Grand Opening
  • Inspiration from a family who has been helped by Reach Society
  • Gourmet appetizers, dinner and dessert
  • Exciting live auction and door prizes


Tuesday, December 4, 6 – 9:30 PM PDT


Tasty Indian Bistro, 1261 Hamilton Street, Vancouver BC


Sep 21, 2018

REACH Legacy Giving supported by David and Elaine Bliss

Announcing REACH Legacy Giving. We are very grateful to David and Elaine Bliss who are the inaugural donors to REACH Legacy Giving. Spearheaded by Foundation Director Agnes Douglas, this new fundraising venture is for those donors who are interested in leaving funds in their wills to children with special needs.


Jun 22, 2018

FINDS Children’s Exchange Open Inside REACH Centre!

Beginning in February 2018, FINDS Children’s Exchange opened inside REACH’s new centre for children to serve families with high quality children’s items. Proceeds from FINDS support children in REACH programs. Open Tuesday to Saturday, 10-2, our unique concept store marks items with the minimum required donation, and we are happy to accept donations. A huge thank you to our volunteer staff  and giving community who make FINDS possible!