REACH Summer Series Camps

REACH Summer Series Camps

REACH Summer Series Summer Camps that have comprised 8 weeks of fun for complex kids at our child development centre in the heart of Ladner! From tie-dying, to creating wishes boxes to keep their wishes for themselves safe, to waterpark fun behind Reach, to getting to know you activities to encourage peer connections, to fun snacks like fruit kabobs and s’mores and to field trip Fridays to the beach, local berry farm and fun parks in other communities – every week is filled with many active and creative activities differentiated to support a variety nuerodiversities. Summer Series is designed to encourage connections in a structured but playful manner.

One camper age 6 said, “I am sad I left day camp and want to go back and stay longer” and here’s a parent’s perspective,“I love how the camp workers are so engaging and keep the campers busy with group projects, crafts, cooking, outside activities,  story telling and so much more. I love that they are trying to get the campers to interact with each other, build social interaction that might be challenging for kids with extra needs.” First West Foundation is proud to provide grants through the Envision Financial Community Endowment benefitting the Summer Series.
