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麦当劳快乐日是 5 月 8 日!

5 月 8 日上午 11:30 - 下午 6:00

多年来,拉德纳和茨瓦森麦当劳餐厅一直在麦当劳欢乐日支持 Reach 儿童和青年发展协会。三角洲警察和消防员将出现在南三角洲麦当劳餐厅,为午餐时间和放学后的孩子们增添欢乐,并提供面部彩绘和手工艺品。

Tickets are on sale now at South Delta McDonald’s Restaurants  for the McHappy Day Raffle benefitting REACH! The raffle prize is a Playstation 5 Slim console including Spiderman 2 games!!   Please come to McDonald’s Ladner or Tsawwassen on May 8, enjoy the face painting, crafts, and other festivities while showing your support. There’s lots of child friendly fun to be had!!

Tamara Veitch Events Coordinator at Reach Society is excited about this year’s event. “McHappy Day is a wonderful reminder of what community truly means. Everyone is welcome! Our heartfelt thanks to McDonald’s owner Nauman Jutt, his staff and to all the amazing volunteers and community members who will be coming out to support Reach children, families and programs. See you there!”


11:30 上午 - 6:00 下午
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