Family Navigator and Support Groups

Support Groups

Family Navigator:

The Family Navigators are here to help! They can assist families in finding, accessing and receiving services and help to remove any existing barriers.  The role of our Family Navigators includes:

  • Answer questions about Reach services
  • Give information about community resources and funding
  • Assist with applications and online programs (funding, My Family Services Autism portal, etc.)
  • Organize online and in person parent education workshops
  • Provide opportunities for families to connect with each other through Reach’s Parent Connection Groups (Punjabi and English)
  • Assist in creating an individualized family binder to organize team contact info, reports, resources, etc.



This service is open to all parents and caregivers on a self-referral basis. Additionally, other team service providers can make a referral.


Pindi Mann, Family Navigator
Telephone: 604-946-6622 ext 359
Email: [email protected]

Priya Nair, Family Navigator
Telephone: 604-946-6622 ext 332
Email: [email protected]


Family Navigator

Family Navigators help parents understand the education component of parenting and advocating.

Contact us now!


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