McHappy Day 2017 Raises Over $10,000

McHappy Day 2017 Raises Over $10,000

McHappy Day 2017 Raises Over $10,000

Tsawwassen and Ladner McDonald’s held McHappy Day to benefit Reach Child and Youth Development Society again this year. Sales of Big Macs, coffee drinks, Happy Meals, iPad raffle tickets, socks and other branded merchandise as well as direct donations to Reach Society totaled $ 10,024.85. South Delta McDonald’s owner/operator Steve Krawchuck sent a “big thank you to our community for supporting children with special needs. I have been proud to support Reach Society this last 10 years and a huge shout-out to our volunteers too numerous to mention individually, including from the Delta Firefighters, Delta Police and Envision Credit Union.”

Local students who generously volunteered their time to perform at McHappy Day included Southpointe Academy Treble Titans Choir and and Holly Elementary Senior Choir.  Local youth band Chaos Monkeys performed, dancers from the O’Brien School of Irish Dance, as well as Maydays Choir including members with autism. Adult performers included Jenny Lundgren and Peg Keenleyside of the Jpegs Band and musicians Em Greene, Mike Greene and Irv Loewen. Long & McQuade provided a sound system to support the performers. Local media CISL 650 and Delta Cable were on site covering the fun. The event’s success is due to the untiring support of McDonald’s staff, dedicated volunteers and all South Delta residents who came out and supported McHappy Day at McDonald’s on May 3rd.
